Sunday, 13 March 2011


The new kiln arrived on Wednesday!

32 locking nuts, a giant alan key, a socket and a couple of hours later, I'd put the stand together, and tightened it all off.

Unwrapped the layers and layers of shrink wrap to unpack the kiln, and read through the instruction. Now, anybody who knows me will know that this is a rare thing - but I really do wish I had checked those first... because when I got to the bit 'about your stand' it told me NOT to tighten off the nuts until the kiln was on top.... NOW YOU TELL ME!!

A bit more grubbing round on the floor, loosen them off, fetch two men to come and lift Bill into his new home and a bit more grubbing round in corners to tighten it all up again.

So excited. So frustrated!!! Because I haven't been able to have enough time back at the studio since to even do a test run... oh, well, tomorrow is another day. Needless to say I am really looking forward to having a chance to make some larger pieces in my new toy, oops I mean special piece of workshop equipment.

Meanwhile, I just posted a couple of new cabochons on Etsy... well, I have to show you glass.

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