Thursday, 6 May 2010

The Man from KHCTSC - he say yes!

I had to go to the school (KHCTSC) yesterday evening to present my design ideas to the properties sub committee.

I was a wee bit nervous.  I've invested a lot of time and energy, and emotion into this project (never mind the financial cost invested!), but ultimately, no matter how much I like the work, no matter how much my friends at Uni like the work, it doesn't matter unless the end client likes it.

And in this case, it wasn't as though the end client came to me, or asked for proposals for the commission, and in that case had guidelines.  The idea was generated on my side only, with really, the only discussion so far being that they didn't necessarily want something formal and straight forward - I really did have a free rein on the piece from concept through to materials, size, finish.

So, off to school I went, saw one of my old teachers from back when I was there as a pupil.  He doesn't seem to have aged one bit!

Oh I digress.  Did they like it?  Yes!!! They absolutely did.  A resounding yes certainly from the school head, and as far as I could tell, the whole committee.  In fact, the head teacher was positively enthusiastic about the piece, liking the story behind it, the way the ideas were developed - feels it could be used as an educational tool, which adds even more dimension to the piece. 

I can't tell you how I felt when I came away last night.  I was overwhelmed actually by their reaction, and really, it validates everything that I have done.

So, what am I wittering on about?  Here's a Photoshop mock-up of what the final piece might look like in place:

The area is a stair way, at the half way platform, and it is quite a large piece, about 140cm square when finished.

I am a happy bunny today. 


Good Monkey said...


way to go Dawn. Hope you are feeling better btw xxx

beaujolaisbeads said...

Fantastic, Dawn, well done!

ChatElaine said...

Looks great, well done you!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you all!